"There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good, she was very very good. But when she was bad, she was horrid." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


"I'm a pinch to grow an inch. I'm a little bit lady. And a little bit wench. " Andrea Menard



I began my current  incarnation in Portland, OR Nov. 23, 1967, Thanksgiving Day at approximately 1:53ish pm. My mother was upset because the hospital served pork chops instead of turkey. Other than that it was an easy birth. I will say that things have changed alot since the last time I was here but people are basically the same, although more dangerous because we have more efficient weapons and deforestation technology. (No comment on when my last incarnation was or if I remember anything ;).

I have lived in California, Washington State, Oregon, Australia, Lithuania and the United Kingdom. I have traveled to other places in the US, Canada and Europe and I hope to explore as much of the world as possible.

Right now I probably reside in the Seattle, WA area where I create in whatever medium is handy, work as an IA in a public Special Education preschool, have my own part time business doing developmental play therapy with autistic children, children with sensory processing differences and other children with differences in relating and communicating, plus I read Tarot cards on Saturdays. I also have some other personal hobbies. (like wandering in the forest, by the ocean, contemplating, talking to animals, rocks, and trees and/or howling at the moon). What did you think I meant anyway? ;)

I have always done something creative including acting, film making, drawing, painting, photography, writing, dancing, exploring, communicating, and adventuring.

I am currently actively trying to get my visual art shown in galleries and my writing and artwork published.

Please contact me and/or sign my guestbook. I am a very curious person and always interested in learning about other people. I promise to get back to you, unless I forget or have an attack of shyness. (the second is more likely than the first, in both cases, keep trying :)

Thank you,

Annette xo :)


"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Antoine de Saint Exupéry





All web site content copyright 2004, 2005 Annette Sugden

All rights reserved. No Image or content to be used without express permission from Annette Sugden