
“Hold your breath; make a wish; count to three; take a look and you’ll see into your imagination. Living there you’ll be free, if you truly wish to be.” (Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory).

I am a Mystic, on a Fool’s journey which for me is about having fun, learning through Love, wandering, creating, ordeals, dancing, singing, keeping a childlike sense of innocence and openness, and laughing and crying as much as possible. I believe we are all magicians with unique gifts, yet essentially we are also the same as we all come from and contain the Source, the Beloved, the Divine. My studies and experiences over the years have taken me from Roald Dahl to Joseph Campbell, from Dr. Seuss to Rumi, from St Auxbury’s “The Little Prince” to alchemy and ancient Hermetic Mysteries, from pop music to Argentine Tango and beyond. I have been reading Tarot for about 20 years now for both divination and meditation. I read from the heart and believe that it should be a joyful, comfortable and helpful experience. 

Contrary to popular belief, Tarot, like astrology, palmistry, etc is not really fortune telling or predicting what will happen, but a way to examine past, current and potential influences and patterns in order to learn grow and face the ordeals, decisions and celebrations of our lives, by examining symbols, myth, intuition, etc. Free will and responsibility always apply. The cards, stars, etc cannot tell you what will happen or make a decision for you. They as everything in this life else are tools for self discovery and self actualization. The rest is up to you.

In addition to tarot, I study and, in a sense try to experience,  myth from all cultures, as much as possible. However the most important part of magick is just being able to step back, watch, listen and learn. The most magical thing can be as simple as a child's laughter, a smile from a stranger, a lick from your neighbor's dog or finding a rock, a leaf or a feather on the ground.

I do use ritual and spellcraft. But those are personal and intuitive. So I won't describe them here. I believe that we all need to find what "works" for us as individuals. I can include links to people, stories, music, etc that have influenced and inspired me on my journey, and if you wish, you can explore them. If they help you, great and if not great too. Everything is always more meaningful, i.e. powerful, when it comes from the heart and soul of the individual who creates them. I encourage you to be as confident and fearless as possible and remember that although books are important and extremely helpful, you have all the tools you need within you to be, do and create whatever you want. (as long as it doesn't interfere with the will of another).  And if you need help or encouragement, just email me :).








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